Okay, I gottagetashiftboot
If you didn't see your car listed on our products page we still may be able to help you.
We can make both shift boots and emergency brake boot covers for most cars.
We offer the following service
1. You send us the old boot(s) from your car. Along with a completed copy of our form, and agree to the conditions stated therein, found at the bottom of this page. You will pay for the boot and a $5.00 shipping fee per boot. Contact us first for the price and possible discounts on your boot.
2. You must remove any metal or plastic frames or parts that are not sewn to the original. It can be helpful if you send them with the boot. However, we will not remove them if they are glued or sewn in place. You must do that or we will simply return the items without attempting to reproduce a new boot.
3. We will examine it (them) to determine if it is possible for us to reproduce the design from your boot(s) If we can make the boot(s) we will normally have it finished and shipped back to you within 5 business days. If for some reason we cannot reproduce the boot(s) we will ship the original(s) back to you by priority mail. $5.00 of the money you sent will be used to cover the cost of mailing your originals or the finished boot back to you
4. In order to use your old boot(s) as a pattern for your new one, we must take them apart. Because of this, the old boot(s) are non returnable if we use them to make new ones for you. Also, due to this, we will not accept rubber or molded boots to convert to leather. The original must be leather or vinyl.
Okay, I gottagetashiftboot. What do I do now? It's simple. Fill out and print the form on the bottom of this page. Send a copy of this to us along with your boot(s). Then follow the directions on that page.
First step
Next step
Additional steps
Any areas where you need to be careful?
Is the boot glued to a frame or anything else?
Please describe what it is glued to.
How would you rate the difficulty of replacing this?
About how long did it take you?
Any special notes?